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Let's ensure all Americans CAN + DO VOTE!

Voter Suppression + Gerrymandering are threats to our democracy.

To win in 2022 we must fight for voting rights + fair maps



Fight Gerrymandering +Unfair Maps

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Fight Voter Suppression!

Protect the Right to Vote!

There is an unprecedented assault on voting rights in the wake of the 2020 elections. Over 250 bills have been filed in 43 states restricting the right to vote. These bills target mail in voting and early voting and erect new barriers such as voter IDs.


The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee’s Legal Fund is on the front lines of the battles to challenge these bills and protect our right to vote. Their geographic focus is on states with key Senate races.


DSCC Legal Fund is now pro-active playing offense as well as defense to protect the vote in 2022:

  • Every state Dem Party is building a local team focused on voter protection . This is no longer a silo-ed activity just before and after elections but rather integrated into the coordinated campaign year-round

  • DSCC Voter Protection team is advising/assisting each individual state team to build voter protection systems specific to their state and local laws


  • in Wisconsin they're doing a big push to nominate Democrats to serve as poll workers - 600-700 nominated so far.

  • In Georgia they're comparing Nov 20 and Special Election 21 voter lists and reading out to those who had to cast provisional ballots due to lack of required type of ID and helping them get that ID

  • In Arizona Republicans revised their increasingly popular Permanent Early Voting List (PEVL) which provides one-time sign-up to receive mail-in ballots in every election, to remove voters who don't use it regularly. VoPro will educate voters to check their eligibility and re-sign up if necessary.


Fight Gerrymandering!

Create Fair Maps!

Gerrymandering undermines our democratic institutions and contributes to uncompetitive elections, partisan polarization, and the continued marginalization of communities of color.


The mission of NRAF is to dismantle unfair electoral maps and foster a 2021 redistricting process based on democratic values. 


They strive to raise awareness about the harmful impact gerrymandering has on state and federal policymaking; create and encourage participation in activities that defend democratic ideals; and increase grassroots engagement in every step of the redistricting process.


Your contributions will support NRAF’s work in these areas: 

  • Grassroots organizing: The NRAF has built state-of-the-art data and mapping tools to provide the infrastructure necessary to support citizen activism. Through its All On The Line program, they have mobilized thousands of volunteers in nine key states (Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Ohio, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Wisconsin).

  • Through its Redistricting U, founded with the help of President Barack Obama, over 270 trainings have equipped activists with the knowledge, skills, and tools to assess redistricting data and maps in real time and take action.

  • Litigation:  The NRAF filed “impasse lawsuits” in Louisiana, Minnesota, and Pennsylvania to ensure that these states with divided governments do not reach “legislative impasse” and fail to pass new maps in time for the 2022 elections. Failure to pass new maps would threaten to leave in place outdated maps from the previous decade. 


The NRAF is the 501(c)(4) affiliate of the National Democratic Redistricting Committee (NDRC), which is chaired by former Attorney General Eric. H. Holder.  Donations to the NRAF are not tax deductible.




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