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Chris Deluzio
Pennsylvania 17


to Chris's Campaign

“This story of corporations lining their pockets at the expense of the public good is not new to our region. When globalization and lousy trade deals killed so many factories and gutted the economy in Western Pennsylvania, we learned what it means when huge and powerful corporations could not care less about the people who toiled to make them rich. They wanted to strip us for parts. Never again. We know a thing or two about standing strong against raw corporate power, and we never shy from a righteous fight.”

REP. CHRIS DELUZIO | TRIB LIVE Thursday, Aug. 3, 2023



Chris Deluzio was born and raised in the western part of Pennsylvania. He returned there after graduating from the US Naval Academy, two deployments in Iraq, completion of his law degree at Georgetown Law School + employment with the Brennan Center for Justice, working on voting rights + election security issues. He was appointed a legal + policy scholar at the University of Pittsburgh Institute for Cyber Law, Policy Security.


Deluzio holds strong progressive values, beginning his political career as a delegate for Bernie Sanders to the 2020 Democratic Convention. He was elected to the US House of Representatives for District 17 in 2022 by almost seven points against Republican Jeremy Shaffer. Deluzio is married to Zoe Bunnell, whom he met at Georgetown + they have three children.


Defends democracy + freedom to vote

Supports the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act + the Freedom to Vote Act

Supports Overturning Citizens United

Stands with the labor movement.

Supports the PRO Act

Supports a woman’s right to choose

Supports the Women’s Health Protection Act

Supports antitrust enforcement + corporations paying their fair share of taxes.

Supports bringing good, well-paying jobs back to America + western Pennsylvania

Supports health care as a right, not a privilege

Supports lowering Medicare eligibility age

Supports including dental, vision + hearing services in Medicare

Supports negotiation for lower drug prices

Supports Medicaid expansion

Supports the goal of universal health coverage

Supports investments in clean energy + the jobs that come with it

Supports protection of Social Security

Will never vote to send Americans to war unless absolutely critical to our national security



PA-17 is a new district (2020) on the Ohio border, composed of liberal-leaning suburbs around Pittsburgh as well as rural, conservative areas. Although Deluzio won his race by almost seven points against a strong opponent in a Biden +6 district, it is considered to favor more moderate views + Deluzio’s opponents often accuse him of being “too progressive” for the district. 



Veteran’s Affairs: Vice Ranking Member Subcommittee on Health, subcommittee on Disability Assistance and Memorial affairs

Armed Services: Subcommittee on Seapower and Projection Forces, Subcommittee on Cyber, Information Technology and Innovation.



Progressive Caucus

Dads’ Caucus

Fentanyl Prevention Caucus

Labor Caucus

LGBTQ+ Equality Caucus

For Country Caucus

Manufacturing Caucus

Steel Caucus

Pro-Choice Caucus

Voting Rights Caucus

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