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Join our team!


As we grow, we're always looking for new volunteers!

Bring your skills + your energy to help FM have more impact nationally.
We work in a highly collaborative way in remote teams.


To enjoy volunteering with Force Multiplier, you should be:

  • Both open-minded + opinionated, so that you are an active participant in conversations about decisions.

  • Both decisive + fully support decisions once they are made. The landscape in which we work is constantly changing so we need to make lots of decisions in real time + stick to them. 

  • Both kind + caring. We all make mistakes + we all have a lot going on in our lives. We care about each other as people + are open about personal commitments so we can help each other keep them.


Step up + see how you can help!

Join the Communications Team

We need a graphic designer: design + production 

Join the Communications Team

We need an web master: data + updates

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