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Let's ensure all Americans CAN + DO VOTE!

Help Turn Out 3.2 Million Surge Voters in 

9 Battleground States!


Force Multiplier has created a new Blue Surge Turnout Fund in partnership with America Votes to support 40 grassroots groups in AZ, NV, WI, MI, PA, GA, MT, OH + NC. These groups are part of a massive effort to turn out youth, people of color + the other new + infrequent voters we need to win in November. 


Here are the groups the fund supports:

Arizona (Biden Margin: +10,457 Voters, 453,197 Blue Surge Voters) 

● Worker Power, drawing on the best traditions of union organizing, knocked on 750,000 doors in 2020 to help elect President Joe Biden and Senator Mark Kelly in Arizona. In 2022, their organizers and canvassers registered more than 10,000 voters and knocked on more than 750,000 doors primarily voters in low-income, BIPOC-dense neighborhoods. They expect to surpass that in 2024.

● Living United for Change in Arizona organizes Arizona’s low- and moderate-income and minority families statewide to take action on the issues most important to them and social and economic justice for all. In 2024, they are focused on holding on to pro-democracy victories and working to elect Democrats up and down the ballot. 

● Our Voice Our Vote (OVOV) is a black-led organization that engages the New American Majority to ensure economic and racial justice for BIPOC communities by building and maintaining political power. They fight to expand the electorate and ensure fair access to the ballot box.

● Rural Arizona Action seeks to create more equitable and just systems through advocacy, accountability, and leadership training in rural Arizona communities. They organize their communities to address their most pressing issues at the ballot box and through the legislative process. 

Georgia (Biden Margin: +11,779 Voters, 518,064 Blue Surge Voters) 

● Asian American Advocacy Fund advocates for the civil and human rights of Asian Americans, Pacific Islanders, and Native Hawaiians. Through a combination of policy advocacy at local, state, and federal levels, and by supporting candidates that believe in their values, they fight to create a better Georgia. 

● Black Male Voter Project’s goal is to increase Black men’s participation in electoral politics and create more Black male super voters by centering on their issues rather than specific candidates. Major programs to educate and motivate voters include Brother’s Be Voting roundtable discussions, The John Lewis Project, Black Men and the Climate. 

● Care in Action creates a political home for women of color – especially domestic workers – to build the civic power of this critical segment of our electorate, protect our democracy, and win progress toward a new vision for equity and justice. 

● Georgia Latino Alliance for Human Rights (GLAHR) educates and organizes a strong network in the Latino community of Georgia to defend and promote collective participation in civic and political life..

● We Vote We Win builds on a rich history of helping to build progressive power and create civic infrastructure in Georgia. With a focus on black women, WVWW knocked on 330,000 doors in 2022 and is ramping up to knock on 800,000 doors in 2024.

Michigan (Biden Margin: +154,188, 459,427 Blue Surge Voters) 

● Berrien Forward is black led and works with BIPOC communities in the southwest corner of Michigan which are the suburbs of Gary Indiana. They do door-to-door canvassing, television ads, mail programs, electoral engagement, and contracted canvassing across Berrien County. 

● Michigan People's Campaign is a multi-racial organization with membership in Detroit, Flint, Grand Rapids and Kalamazoo. They use community organizing and civic engagement to ensure that government reflects the needs of all residents, not just the wealthy and powerful.

● Clean Water Action has 135,000 members in Michigan and is committed to protecting the Great Lakes and all the waters in-between, from groundwater to the water tap. They empower people to take action to protect the health of Michigan's waters, communities, environment, and democracy including black voters affected by the Flint water crisis. 

● Rising Voices is organizing and developing the leadership of Asian American women and young people for power around progressive values and policy in Michigan. 

● Hate Won't Win (fiscally sponsored by Equality Michigan) is a unique grassroots movement of local community centers, state and local advocacy orgs, and national partners to make sure LGBTQ+ voices are not silenced in 2024. They’re working through a combination of door knocking, phone calls, and digital communication to mobilize Equality Voters to vote in 2024.


Montana (Biden Margin -98,816, 35,508 Blue Surge Voters) 

● Forward Montana has grown to become the largest youth civic engagement organization in Montana, with year-round staff in Billings, Bozeman, Missoula, and the Flathead Valley. They reach youth where they gather - on campus, at music festivals, rodeos, etc.

● Western Native Voice is engaged on all seven Montana Indian reservations as well as in the major Montana urban centers because approximately half of Montana’s native population lives off the reservation. 

● MontPIRG gives young leaders the tools to serve their communities, not just for a college semester - but for life. MontPIRG empowers young voters, tackles the real issues facing Montana today, and has fun along the way. MontPIRG helps young people to have a larger voice in every step of the process. 

● MT Rural Voters works to raise the voices of rural Montanans on family farms/ranches to fight for vibrant communities where small businesses prosper and stay in family hands, there is a level playing field for farmers, ranches and producers, and clean air and water is protected. They touch voters in every Montana county in support of Jon Tester. In recent elections they knocked on 175,000 doors, had 116,000 phone conversations, sent 27,000 texts and over a million pieces of mail while running ads in 60 small-town newspapers, streaming videos, social media and local rural radio.


Nevada (Biden Margin: +33,596 Voters, 221,497 Blue Surge Voters) 

● NewVote Nevada is a newer organization, with an experienced Director, ramping up its capacity to educate and empower a diverse coalition of young Nevadans to take action and improve their community through the ballot box. They focus on young people, beyond campuses, filling a critical gap in the state.

● One APIA Nevada is building and growing a long-term grassroots progressive organizing infrastructure in the Asian & Pacific Islander American (APIA) community. It does issue education, direct voter contact, recruits and supports candidates who champion issues of importance to the APIA community, and coordinates electoral work of local and national organizations in-state. 

● Silver State Equality is Nevada’s statewide LGBTQ+ civil rights organization, bringing the voices of LGBTQ+ people and allies to institutions of power and mobilizing their vote. They aim to create a world that is healthy, just and fully equal for all LGBTQ+ people.

● Somos Votantes is a Latina led organization dedicated to empowering Latinx people which expanded operations to Nevada in 2022, including permanent staff, field and communications operations. They focus on engagement of Latinx communities and voters with emphasis on voter education, persuasion, and mobilization. 

North Carolina (Biden Margin -74,483, 582,741 Blue Surge Voters) 

● A Philip Randolph Education Fund has the largest black voter registration program in the state. They support campaigns to eliminate or reduce voter suppression, counter the lack of voter participation, and continue building an electoral powerbase within historically disenfranchised communities. 

● New Rural Project engages young and marginalized residents in rural communities along the border with South Carolina to amplify their voices through increased civic and electoral engagement. They work to eliminate barriers to engagement by listening to rural stakeholders and developing community-driven solutions. These voters are key to shifting North Carolina’s electorate and impact at the ballot box. 

● La Fuerza NC builds power through leadership development and organizing of Latinx community members statewide. They educate, build relationships, and engage communities in political education. They inspire involvement in the political process working side-by-side with pro-Black, pro-immigrant, pro-LGBTQ, and pro-reproductive justice partners and allies to lift their collective voices. 

● Siembra NC is a year-round political home for Latinx, working-class families in Alamance, Durham, Forsyth, Guilford, Orange, Wake, Randolph and Rockingham Counties. In 2020, in partnership with Mijente, Siembra NC ran the biggest Latinx voter registration program in the state's history and continue to build on that success.


Ohio (Biden Margin -475,669, 326,712 Blue Surge Voters)

● Black Ohio Leaders for Democracy (BOLD) aims to raise the voice of Black Ohioans in elections and support candidates that stand for real changes needed to make Black Ohio communities better. They educate Black voters about the need to take action on critical issues and to fight for working families, better health care, protect the environment and mobilize thousands of voters to turn out on Election Day. 

● Ohio ACE works among black and brown residents in the Greater Cleveland area. 

● The Black Led Organizing Collaborative (Freedom BLOC) works with Black communities in Cleveland and Columbus, as well as historical urban centers in Northeast Ohio - Youngstown and Akron. 

● Ohio Citizen Action (OCA) is the largest citizen engagement group in Ohio, focused on Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and Toledo. It informs, organizes, and mobilizes people in person, by phone, and online to take actions that protect public health, improve environmental quality, and benefit consumers. 

● Pro Choice Ohio (PCO) educates and mobilizes Ohioans to guarantee the right to make personal decisions regarding a full range of reproductive choices including preventing unintended pregnancy, bearing healthy children, and choosing legal abortion.


Pennsylvania  (Biden Margin +80,555, 502,483 Blue Surge Voters)

● CASA in Action mobilizes Black, Latino, Afro-descendent, Indigenous, and Immigrant voters for leaders that will advance the priorities of its 155,000 members.

● Make the Road Action is the largest Latinx organization in PA with organizing centers in Allentown, Reading and Philadelphia. They’re committed to building electoral power in their communities and have extensive experience doing large-scale voter contact and education. 

● One PA is the only group engaging black voters year-round in both Allegheny County in western PA and Philadelphia, Chester and Darby Counties in eastern PA. They will knock on 180,000 doors, discuss priority issues, follow-up with repeated contact through text, mail, digital and in person, and then mobilize them to vote. They also post videos, use micro-Influencers on TikTok and Instagram, and challenge political disillusionment, uniting everyday people to have a voice in our political system.

● PA United is a coalition of community, labor, and environmental organizations that works to build power for working class communities in Western PA. They invested substantial resources to rebuild permanent organizing and electoral infrastructure in critical counties in Western PA, leveraged it to flip PA in 2020, and will use it again to win statewide elections in 2024.

Wisconsin (Biden Margin +20,682, 116,859 Blue Surge Voters) 

● Citizen Action WI employs an integrated strategy of grassroots organizing, public education, earned media, professional research, voter engagement, and political lobbying. It generates hundreds of media stories, mobilizes thousands of citizens to participate in political advocacy, and engages hundreds of thousands of voters.

● Leaders Igniting Transformation Action Fund (LIT AF) engages young people, especially youth of color, on campuses and in communities in Milwaukee’s key neighborhoods in a full spectrum of year-round civic engagement. They plan to knock on 250,000 doors in 2024.

● Voces de la Frontera Action (VDLF Action) is Wisconsin’s leading state-wide immigrant rights organization and so has a unique ability to engage hard to reach new and infrequent Latinx and youth voters who are critical for state-wide and local elections. 

● WISDOM Action Network (WAN) is set up to educate and engage justice-impacted people, immigrant families, their allies, and other marginalized communities in the democratic process. 

● Center for Racial and Gender Equity runs grassroots policy and electoral campaigns, engaging Black voters and building Black women’s leadership to advance candidates that explicitly support Black women. They plan to knock on 50,000 doors.

Your contributions will support this important work.

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