A federal government aligned with democratic values + committed to building a JUST + SUSTAINABLE + INCLUSIVE SOCIETY.
Force Multiplier EMPOWERS PEOPLE + MULTIPLIES THEIR IMPACT by raising funds for Democratic candidates for federal office + for groups that ensure that people CAN + DO VOTE.
We use DATA-DRIVEN ANALYTICS + the power of RELATIONAL NETWORKING to raise funds for HOUSE + SENATE RACES that can tip the balance of power in Washington. We also raise funds for voter empowerment groups working to ensure that PEOPLE CAN + DO VOTE.
We grow by simply asking people to talk to those who share their values.
We've grown to over 20,000 people from all 50 states +
we've raised over $27 million for Democratic candidates
+ voter empowerment groups.

We do our work with a sense of urgency + an eye to the future of
Curious about Force Multiplier? Watch this informative video.
(18 minutes)
Force Multiplier is an all volunteer political fundraising group founded in 2017.
We began as a group of a dozen people in the Boston area who were alarmed by the national backlash that led to the election of Donald Trump. We wanted to find a way for Blue states voters like ourselves to have an impact on the national balance of power. We chose the path of raising funds for Democratic candidates who were in frontline races challenging vulnerable Republican incumbents for the House.
We're committed to supporting Democrats because the Republican party has been captured by the extreme MAGA faction that embraces authoritarianism + represents a threat to our democracy.
Force Multiplier believes that only a Democratic President + Democratic majorities in the House + Senate will protect our rights, freedoms + democracy.
Our approach is to empower donors by providing them with research based recommendations on which races are most likely to affect the balance of power in the House + Senate. Our group is one of several independent groups that provide candidates + groups with a stream of revenue independent of PACS, wealthy donors + the party.
Our recommendations are driven by research not ideology.
We support Democratic candidates in critical races regardless of their positions on individual issues. We look for candidates who are in competitive races that are strategically important to achieving Democratic majorities + who need further financial support to win. We measure our success by the amount of money we’re able to direct into races that are truly competitive.
Force Multiplier is committed to fundraising practices that respect our donors + that will sustain the work of our candidates + groups over the long haul.
We email only when we have received your permission to do so.
We never share, swap or sell our lists.
FM Act Blue pages always ask your permission before sharing your email address with a candidate or group you support. Act Blue will respect your choice.
By donating through FM, you will never be added to another email list without your permission.
You may unsubscribe at any time.
We send an average of 2-3 emails a week.
Our emails provide information on why we think a candidate or group deserves your support.
We're committed to the idea that “our tactics must match our values.*”
Force Multiplier supports Democratic candidates but isn't part of the party.
Force Multiplier focuses entirely on fundraising. We do, however, connect members of our community with volunteer opportunities for the candidates + groups we support.
Force Multiplier never touches the money.
All funds go directly to the candidates through Act Blue, a user-friendly donation processing platform. (Act Blue has a 3.95% credit card processing fee.) When payment is made by check, the contribution goes directly to the candidate or group being supported.
Force Multiplier has no staff + no office + has minimal self-funded expenses.

"Force Multiplier is a "trusted source"for where best to put my resources, such as they are, in best alignment with my civic values, and how best to maximize the impact of my political dollars." SUSAN B, LINCOLN MA
"FM multiplier definitely worked at opening my pocketbook. Well done."
"Force Multiplier makes it easy to make informed and impactful political investments." AMY G, NYC
"Great FM email. I thought it was a terrific message and you did move the arc of justice and will continue to. KAREN, PORTLAND, ME
"Congratulations to this wonderful group! It is heartwarming to be part of such a creative and energetic group. We will shift this country’s directions in November. Go blue!!." RONIE N, WASHINGTON DC
"Thank you so much for welcoming me into this extraordinary group. You are SOMETHING!! Working with you all means a great deal to me."
"We were all so impressed with what Force Multiplier has accomplished! You are truly an inspiration. BETSEY K, DALLAS