“As a father of two, I see first-hand how Washington isn’t doing enough to help families in our community. We desperately need better leadership in Congress, and that’s why I’m running….
We can no longer be represented by someone who voted against relief checks for families, voted against rebuilding the Brent Spence Bridge, voted against funding to reopen schools and support for frontline workers, and voted against certifying the 2020 presidential election.”
Campaign Announcement, 1/6/22
A life-long Ohio resident, Landsman has degrees in Economics/Political Science from Ohio University and Theology from Harvard Divinity School. He has a long and accomplished history of public service. Landsman began his career by working on Sen. Bill Bradley’s Presidential Campaign (2000) and Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi’s campaign to be the first female Congressional Whip (2000). He then left national politics to be a teacher before going to Harvard Divinity School to study faith and religion after 9/11.
Landsman then served as Director of the Governor’s Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives from 2007 to 2010. In this role, he was also Chair of the Governor’s Anti-Poverty Task Force. Landsman then served as Executive Director of STRIVE Partnership Knowledge Foundation, a nationally recognized education and advocacy group.
Landsman was first elected to the Cincinnati City Council in 2017, and was just re-elected as one of the top two at-large vote getters in 2021. On Council, Landsman has enacted comprehensive eviction prevention reform and has led the creation of the Children and Families Cabinet to provide support to children and families on health and safety issues. In 2021, he led the passage of a Balanced Development Plan, which assesses the effects of new development on the community. He pushed for funding for Cincinnati's "Level-Up: Launch your Career" program, which provides young people with access to employers and well paying jobs.
Landsman has spent his career fighting for children and families, having successfully led the Preschool Promise which now provides two years of quality preschool for Cincinnati’s three and four-year olds. As a Cincinnati Councilman, Landsman has helped shepherd the largest investment in transportation and infrastructure ever in Hamilton County.
Landsman’sRepublican opponent Steve Chabot voted against certifying the 2020 presidential election, against the bipartisan infrastructure bill, and against the American Rescue Plan. Recently, he even voted against much needed relief for families desperately searching for baby formula. Chabot is a part of the hyper-partisan chaos in Wasington, and is out of touch with what the children and families in Cincinnati need.
Ohio has been trending Republican despite its long reputation as a battleground state. Trump’s strong showing in 2020 and Republican control of the state’s Congressional redistricting process contribute to a difficult environment in 2022 for Democrats. Trump is very active in Ohio, endorsing most of the Republican Congressional slate as well as the Republican Candidate for U.S. Senate. However, Ohio 1 is rated Toss-Up by Cook Political Report, going from a seat that backed Trump by +3 in 2020 to a seat that voted +9 for Joe Biden in 2022. It has been called one of the most important races in the country for maintaining the House majority by Politico and the New York Times. Though he is in a challenging environment, Landsman is a very competitive candidate. His opponent, long-time Rep. Steve Chabot is bidding for a 14th term and has defeated well-funded challengers in past races.